
Sell a Plane Today!

We thought the best way to reduce the US Government debt is to sell 250K commercial aviation planes that the US Department of Transportation is collecting. We thought we would start by giving every congressman one, and every senator two planes. Then after they want to throw up with all of the money they are spending they can donate them to their favorite charity with a 5 year parts and labor guarantee. Then the American people get rid of 250B worth of assets we dont want, and with gas probably ate most of the tax relief Donald just gave up.

Proposed US Military Budget for 2020 - Bigger, Leaner, Extended, and Much More Efficient.

More Troops, More Ships, More Planes, Less of Everything Else..... One Supply Chain, One Military Procurement Office, One HR Office, One Logistics Operation. US Air Force and Army reconsolidated to WW2 Form (Army Air Corps vs US AF) and 700 fewer global bases. Here is the written explanation.

A Plan to Restructure the US Military with Better Performance at Significantly Lower Costs.

Considerations of Restructuring the US Military We have considered a number of ways to improve the effectiveness of the US Military some of which have already been achieved in practice by the construction of joint bases where the military has incubated various cross-division functions but we believe this to be largely ceremonial. The US Army today really only has six really big bases(Irwin, Bliss, Hood, Bragg, Colorado Springs, Cambell) in the US Moving to 25 is a luxury they haven't had before for various reasons. First a map.... Second our totals are: 25 Joint Bases, 19 Command/Space, 17 US Navy Bases, 30 Global Marine Bases (91 Core) And I will let the military name another 59 at their leisure for command to 150. This is a reduction of about 750 bases at 500M each thats 300B a year. We are deeply rooted in t...

Previous Post for Bank of America on General Litigation and Process Changes

Well we have proposed a General Litigation Model for Bank of America which will save them 4B dollars a year in legal costs dropping their SGA from 53B to 49B or in-line with Wells Fargo on the same sales. This should result in companies which have nearly the same market value, and return Bank of America to the #2 largest bank from its current position as #3. Okay so by adding a wrinkle that Branch Managers including the Investment Bank will be charged for all litigation incurred to their book of Business, then we have to allow those Branch Managers to resolve their own legal charges. Since we know that a cause which goes to trial today costs at a minimum 330K dollars, and under the new format 660K dollars we should give branch managers to resolve federal claims which live between 75K dollars and 660K dollars in value to the customer themselves. We also have to give the branch manager the right to terminate that particular customer at the same time. For example, a customer has an...

The Federal Short Process as Proposed vs Bank of America Federal Litigation For Example

Impacts of our Short litigation Cycle for Bank of America We expect a prevailing rate for Federal Litigators is 500.00 on an al la carte menu for general support, and 2X for court time (1000.00/hr). Furthermore, most law firms will not go to court without two litigators, and a legal assistant so the effective trial rate is about 2250.00/hr al la carte. Most law firms charge court time for depositions as well as the trial team also has to sit through the depositions in most cases.  Top Down Forecast We Took Bank of America's legal causes (about 30K per year) and divided by their published legal spending of 10B dollars a year for more than 10 years. Thus Bank of America is spending on average (including settlements) is 333K dollars per cause. Lets make some assumptions -> each cause averages 10 hours of court time -< 22,250 dollars, but depositions may easily be 5X more. So lets assume 50 hours of depositions for 10 hours of court time or 60 hours total at the higher ra...

Should US District Courts be Eliminated?

We think yes. We think that US Circuit Courts should try any cause more than 10M dollars in civil or criminal penalties directly making them a real court of original jurisdiction. Everything else should proceed in State Court. In this model existing Federal Judicial resources from the Circuit would be assigned to State causes where Federal Criminal relief is plead, and State Judges could take combined Federal and Civil Causes that are appropriately marked. Why? Most Federal Judges come from their home states anyway. IE A US District Judge in Dallas Texas usually has already been a Texas State Judge anyway. That does not mean that the Federal Trials will not commence it simply means that Federal Courts would only be used for the largest causes. $75,000 is less than a simple trial retainer at a moderate law firm and thus 28 USC 1332 is in fact a statute which needs to be modified. The Jurisdiction for Federal Courts for Civil matters should be much higher, but to do so, Congress has ...

A Quick Fix for the Federal Legal System - Civil Causes(CV) & Multi-Causes(MC)

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure #1 requires that every cause in the Federal System be absolutely determined both by Rule, and protected by Statute. However that is not what happens in practice.  Why? For the simple fact that the Clerk of the Court, and The US Magistrates dismiss or delay most of what is filed until the litigants quit, or are forced to refile at a later time for one reason or another including filing of IFP's or request to proceed without fees which requires a judicial ruling in the Federal Courts, and is a task which the clerks of some states do for their judiciary (Texas, Pennsylvania). Moving to a Hyper Efficient Federal Legal System which costs significantly less We are proposing a simple set of steps which will result in most Federal Causes being determined in 3.15 hours of court time or less which is reasonable both for the litigants, and for the court. And of course such processes would eliminate non-court hours the magistrative judges spend today on ...