Should US District Courts be Eliminated?

We think yes. We think that US Circuit Courts should try any cause more than 10M dollars in civil or criminal penalties directly making them a real court of original jurisdiction. Everything else should proceed in State Court.

In this model existing Federal Judicial resources from the Circuit would be assigned to State causes where Federal Criminal relief is plead, and State Judges could take combined Federal and Civil Causes that are appropriately marked. Why? Most Federal Judges come from their home states anyway. IE A US District Judge in Dallas Texas usually has already been a Texas State Judge anyway.

That does not mean that the Federal Trials will not commence it simply means that Federal Courts would only be used for the largest causes. $75,000 is less than a simple trial retainer at a moderate law firm and thus 28 USC 1332 is in fact a statute which needs to be modified. The Jurisdiction for Federal Courts for Civil matters should be much higher, but to do so, Congress has to grant the rights, or order the States to try causes which do not meet this threshold. (IE a State Court trying a Federal Issue has to be legal under US Code which there is some doubt it is). IE a State Judge ruling on a Federal Issue of law, goes to the weight of evidence but is not a binding judgement today under US Law.


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