A Plan to Restructure the US Military with Better Performance at Significantly Lower Costs.

Considerations of Restructuring the US Military

We have considered a number of ways to improve the effectiveness of the US Military some of which have already been achieved in practice by the construction of joint bases where the military has incubated various cross-division functions but we believe this to be largely ceremonial. The US Army today really only has six really big bases(Irwin, Bliss, Hood, Bragg, Colorado Springs, Cambell) in the US Moving to 25 is a luxury they haven't had before for various reasons.

First a map....


Second our totals are:
25 Joint Bases, 19 Command/Space, 17 US Navy Bases, 30 Global Marine Bases (91 Core)
And I will let the military name another 59 at their leisure for command to 150. This is a reduction of about 750 bases at 500M each thats 300B a year.

We are deeply rooted in the US Constitution, and there is no US Airforce in the Constitution for which we are very committed.

We therefore have a very simply solution which might be a bit better than those in the uniformed service may think.

1) First we believe that our global deployments, unless Congress declares war are generally the responsibility of the US Navy. Just like the British empire we believe that the US Navy inclusive of its subsidiary team the US Marine Core is fully responsible for our Empire at 90%.

2) We believe the US Army should be only responsible for three things 1) Holding wars approved by Congress lasting more than 1 year. 2) Nuclear Deterrence 3) Logistics and Supply chain including enough infrastructure to provide for support of all facilities.

3) We therefore think we should consolidate to a single supply chain owned by the US Army from three full supply chains today.

4) We think the US Air Force in times of peace, should in fact be reconsolidated into the Army as the US Army Air Core just like it was in WW2 including all nuclear facilities.

5) We think that the US Army regular soldiers (just like Germany) should be our full time, career based higher input jobs, and not the lower. As a result we believe that Senior Enlisted members and team members of the US Marine Corp, and the Navy should in fact be promoted into the US Army, and not the reverse.

6) This in fact consolidates all Basic Training to the US Marine Corps/Navy, and all advanced training to the US Army & the US Army Air Corps at Level3, with the first two levels maintained in the Navy except for the US Military academies which could remain the same (and should). The reason is their graduates are already officers, and can pick their own disciplines by choice.

7) For Example a new recruit might go to Paris Island, then head to Advanced Marine Scout training in California, and then be promoted to a US Army Ranger, Sniper or Parachute Assignment.

8) We are seeking to increase the size of the navy to 50 global bases with 25 ships each and 10K US Marines. Therefore we would have a Marine Corps of about 500K global soldiers, and the US Army would maintain the balance at whatever levels are sufficient with most of the senior jobs in the Army, except for division officers, and Shipborne commands which should come from Elite Army soldiers which are at Level3, or Higher in their career progression.

9) Those who love being marines can still be marine officers, but they would have to complete Ranger school first and serve at least a year in the regular army thereafter.

10) We believe in general the US Army should be based in the United States, and not abroad, except for areas which Congress has not rescinded. (Europe, Japan) at the present time.

11) We think we end up with one career path, one supply chain, and likely as many as 500K more operational troops at the Pentagon's disposal at perhaps 1/2 of the cost. 

12) We believe our Global bases will be about 50 US Navy Bases + 25 or so major logistical army installations including full air transport.

13) But those 25 will be very dense with hundreds or even thousands of support aircraft, and significant numbers of US troops. Thus we move to a 75 base US Armed Forces from about 9000 today. The rest of the forces can be deployed on carrier groups as needed.

14) We have to remember for the US Military which moved to a modular design 50 years ago, they can set up a base anywhere in six months or less once they obtain land. And usually they acquire an airstrip or foreign military complex they dont want or need anymore. (See Khazagstan).

15) So we believe we are right. We want to streamline the US Military command, and shut 800 bases while increasing our fighting capacity to 1000 ships, and 2M men for significantly less cost. This is a significant improvement in peace time.

16) But the US Military will have to rely on US Military contractors for innovation, and seek to buy things which add value, and stop trying to develop things themselves which are not out of patent. But when things do drop out of patent, that the US Military should manufacture them at cost + 10% from the original designers for eternity.

17) We want to transfer all other State Bases to the US National Guard which doesnt need to change or turned into National Parks, or Joint Parks with the host companies subject to a request to return to those locations if war were to erupt within a reasonable period of time. In other words we could turn Ramstein AFB into a park, jointly run with the German Government, with the airstrip maintained but with no US troops unless NATO is threatened.

18) Shutting WW2 bases frees up at least three divisions of US troops which are still occupying the Axis Powers fairly successfully.

Will explore the costs of this design in future posts in comparison to current.


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