
Showing posts from January, 2018

Sell a Plane Today!

We thought the best way to reduce the US Government debt is to sell 250K commercial aviation planes that the US Department of Transportation is collecting. We thought we would start by giving every congressman one, and every senator two planes. Then after they want to throw up with all of the money they are spending they can donate them to their favorite charity with a 5 year parts and labor guarantee. Then the American people get rid of 250B worth of assets we dont want, and with gas probably ate most of the tax relief Donald just gave up.

Proposed US Military Budget for 2020 - Bigger, Leaner, Extended, and Much More Efficient.

More Troops, More Ships, More Planes, Less of Everything Else..... One Supply Chain, One Military Procurement Office, One HR Office, One Logistics Operation. US Air Force and Army reconsolidated to WW2 Form (Army Air Corps vs US AF) and 700 fewer global bases. Here is the written explanation.

A Plan to Restructure the US Military with Better Performance at Significantly Lower Costs.

Considerations of Restructuring the US Military We have considered a number of ways to improve the effectiveness of the US Military some of which have already been achieved in practice by the construction of joint bases where the military has incubated various cross-division functions but we believe this to be largely ceremonial. The US Army today really only has six really big bases(Irwin, Bliss, Hood, Bragg, Colorado Springs, Cambell) in the US Moving to 25 is a luxury they haven't had before for various reasons. First a map.... Second our totals are: 25 Joint Bases, 19 Command/Space, 17 US Navy Bases, 30 Global Marine Bases (91 Core) And I will let the military name another 59 at their leisure for command to 150. This is a reduction of about 750 bases at 500M each thats 300B a year. We are deeply rooted in t